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What is DEFINE?

Defence Innovation Network Finland (DEFINE) is an innovation ecosystem initiated by the city of Riihimäki, within the framework of which the goal is to build an internationally high-level defence and security industry network. The innovation ecosystem brings together the best experts from the military and civilian side to create new innovations that serve both military needs and society as a whole at the same time.

Define focuses on Riihimäki, because there is already excellence in the field there. Riihimäki has, for example, a competence center for cyber security and digitalization of the Defence Forces and the management system, where specialists are trained and research work is carried out and innovations are created.

Several important defence and security companies also operate in the Riihimäki area. The Riihimäki unit of Häme University of Applied Sciences trains top experts in technical fields and is expanding its training offer. Riihimäki also has an internationally unique robotics education path from kindergarten to university degree.

Our task is bright and exciting: we create new ways to keep Finland safe and speed up our country’s exports.

What does DEFINE offer for companies?

Defence Innovation Network Finland (DEFINE) is an open network that brings together the defence forces, defence and security companies, educational institutions and research institutes, as well as several actors in Riihimäki and the Kanta-Häme area. The goal of the network is to accelerate the innovation and development activities of the participants and to increase the turnover of the companies. Read more about the topic.


Defence Innovation Network Finland is funded by Riihimäki City, Häme University of Applied Sciences HAMK, Hämeenlinna City, Forssan Yrityskehitis Oy, Millog and Sako Finland. A significant part of the funding comes from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through development projects. The EU financier is represented by the Federation of Häme.