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7.6.2024 Maan­puo­lus­tusA­ree­na at Riihimäki

The NationalDefenseArena aka MaanpuolustusAreena is the main event of this year. MaanpuolustusAreena has received national and international attention and it will be held in Riihimäki on the first day of Erämessut on Friday 7 June 2024 from 13:00 to 15:00. The event will feature speeches from prominent actors and decision-makers in national defense. The public event culminates in a panel discussion.

At the NationalDefenseArena, e.g. NATO cooperation and its opportunities for Finland, national defense innovations and new technology, and cyber security.

Open event 7.6.2024 (only in finnish)

  • Klo 13:00 Opening of the event
    Jouni Eho, Mayor of City of Riihimäki
  • Klo 13:10 What NATO can bring for Finland?
    Kenraalimajuri Sami Nurmi, Brigadier General Sami Nurmi,
    Deputy Chief of Staff, Strategy of the Finnish Defence Forces
  • Klo 13:30 The new cold war of economy and technology
    Risto E. J. Penttilä, CEO Nordic West Officen
  • Klo 13:50 Performance by The Conscript Band Finland
  • Klo 14:00 Panel discussion
    Brigadier General Sami Nurmi, Puolustusvoimien strategiapäällikkö
    Jarno Limnéll, Member of the Finnish Parliament
    Esa Rautalinko, CEO of Patria
    Moderator Arto Räty, Miltton
  • Klo 14:45 Closing words and performance by
    The Conscript Band Finland

After the open session, event continues with a seminar and with Pitch Finland DefSec

Please see the full program here

MaanpuolustusAreena program ENG

Event sponsors